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Security concerns of female refugees from Eritrea and the Horn of Africa

Friday, 13th of October 2017, 15-17h
Otto Mauer Zentrum, Währingerstr. 2-4/22 (Mezzanin), 1090 Vienna

With Helen Kidan, Sadia Hassanen, Laurie Lijnders, Viviane Tassi Bela, facilitated by Beatrix Bücher-Aniyamuzaala

Language: English

Organized by: WIDE – Network for Women´s Rights and Feminist Perspectives in Development, in cooperation with the Network of Eritrean Women (NEW)


Helen Kidan: Political Scientist, Network of Eritrean Women, UK
Sadia Hassanen: Social Anthropologist, Network of Eritrean Women, Sweden
Laurie Lijnders: Anthropologist, University of London
Viviane Tassi Bela: Consultant on Women, Peace and Security
Facilitation: Beatrix Bücher-Aniyamuzaala, Consultant on Humanitarian Action

More details: see pdf invitation


In this panel discussion we seek to explore the term „security” from the perspective of female refugees from the Horn of Africa, specifically from Eritrea. Human rights violations and security concerns are reasons for women to flee or migrate from the Horn of Africa region, and security issues are most relevant for women on the road, in refugee camps, in transit and host countries. But how do international and European policies respond to migrant and refugee women´s security concerns?
The speakers will highlight neglected dimensions of the thematic cluster “migration and security”, which is too often merely seen from the perspective of European border control. The contributions of the activists from the Network of Eritrean Women (NEW) and other experts will reveal some of the contradictions between the democratic, humanitarian and gender-equality related claims of Europeans and the experiences of women who flee their countries. They will also discuss how to protect and promote women´s rights.
In the discussion with the audience we hope to inspire solidarity and hear about ideas and proposals for alternative action for civil society and politics

17.00-19.00h: Snacks and informal gathering

Invitation as pdf

In cooperation with:
Network of Eritrean Women (NEW) and Ishraga Mustafa-Hamid

The Network of Eritrean Women (NEW) is an independent global Eritrean women’s movement founded by Eritrean diaspora women in 2013, in order to mobilise, actively promote, advocate and facilitate the empowerment of Eritrean women to fight oppression and discrimination.

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