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WIDE-Training am 5. Juli 2018, 9:30-17:00, Margaretenstr. 166, 1050 Wien

Mit Olive Uwamariya, Feministin und Aktivistin aus Ruanda, aktuell als anwaltschaftliche Spezialistin im CARE Projekt „Learning for Change – Women’s voice and policital participation“,

mit Karen Knipp-Rentrop, anwaltschaftliche Referentin für Gender und Frieden, aktuell Koordinatorin des CARE Projekts „Learning for Change – Women’s voice and political participation“ und

mit Elisabeth Moder, „Focal-Point“ für Gender in Horizont3000, gemeinsam mit einer Kollegin Koordinatorin des Konsortialprojekts „Strengthening capacities of CSOs engaging in Policy Dialogue“

Das Training findet in Englisch statt. Beschränkte TeilnehmerInnen – Anmeldung erbeten unter: wurzer@wide-netzwerk.at

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“We find that women’s organizing and activism on their own behalf, combined with support from the international activist and international intergovernmental authorities, have advanced women’s legal status and rights in most areas (…)”, conclude the researchers Mala Htun and S. Laurel Weldon in an UN background paper on policy change on women’s economic and social rights in 2014[1].

Strengthening Girls’ and Women’s Voice and (Political) Participation seems to be a key factor for sustainable changes towards gender equality. This is also recognized as a priority theme for the European Commission services’ and the European External Action Service’s (EEAS) activities in partner countries, especially developing countries, enlargement and neighbourhood countries in its second “Gender Action Plan”[2]. How can development actors support this priority? Which approaches and tools seem promising?

Main content of the training

  • How to engage effectively in policy dialogue? – sharing of a “systematic approach”
  • Political participation of women – Rwanda as an example
  • East African feminism and women’s movement
  • Capacity development tools for women’s political participation
  • Case stories of women’s effective political participation

Target Group

Program- and project-officers (Referent*innen), gender advisors and advocates, communication experts, practitioners in global education and interested colleagues

[1] https://malahtun.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/2014-htun-weldon-un-paper.pdf

[2] https://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/sites/devco/files/staff-working-document-gender-2016-2020-20150922_en.pdf

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