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Women in resistance – will they reap the fruits of their courage?

ABSAGE: Wir bedauern, die für den 23.10.2019 geplante Veranstaltung absagen zu müssen.

Trotz mehrerer Versuche wurde der Menschenrechtsaktivistin Nagda Mansour Adam von den österreichischen Behörden kein Visum erteilt.

Siehe dazu ihr Video-Statement (24.10.2019)

—- ABGESAGT — Discussion and exchange meeting with:

Nagda Mansour Adam and Ishraga Mustafa-Hamid

facilitated by Ulrike Lunacek

Date: Wednesday, October 23rd, 2019, 5.00 – 7.00 PM

Place: Vienna, International Institute for Peace (IIP)
1040 Möllwaldplatz 5/2

The discussion will be held in English.

Registration: seewald@vidc.org

Organized by VIDC and WIDE

Invitation folder (pdf)

„The current revolution in Sudan is strongly based on the activism of courageous women and girls”, Ishraga Mustafa-Hamid stated in a recent article. “Hardly surprising, because the regime of long term ruler and dictator, Omar Al-Bashir, and his politics of islamization had specialized in the repression of women, whereas women started to practise different ways of resistance since his takeover in 1989.”

The broad range of historic experiences in resistance and the struggle for their rights are the reason why women from all ages, professional backgrounds, housewives and students, have participated so actively in the uprising since December 2018.

In the conversation with two women´s rights activists – from Sudan and the exile – the discussion will explore issues of political participation: how women have organized themselves in the revolution, how they experienced and deal with violence, how they claim their rights in the transition process.

Although women have been very significant actors in the recent revolution, they are being marginalized in the peace talks and the transition politics. If women are not on the table, their concerns are not tackled and they are deprived of the fruits of their courage.

The discussion shall open up space for women´s human rights activists and the interested public to exchange on experiences, specifically between activists in Sudan and in exile.

Information about the speakers: see invitation folder (pdf)


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