WIDE Erasmus+ project: The Europe we want?

Veröffentlicht am: 8. Mai 2017|Arbeitsschwerpunkte|Themen: |

Feminist approaches to gender, migration, and democracy

WIDE (Austria) project within the frame of Erasmus+ / Strategic Partnerships

In cooperation with four partner organisations from the European WIDE+ network, WIDE carries out an Erasmus+ project (2016-18) with the aim to strengthen anti-racist feminist approaches within adult education on global/development issues.

The refugees´ crisis in Europe is not only a humanitarian but also a political challange that needs active involvement of civil society in order to promote and support new visions of solidarity and social justice. Multipliers in adult education play an important role in promoting gender equality, human rights, economic justice and democracy. Within the frame of adult education on global/development issues, the five partner organisations promote feminist approaches and critical views on current challenges for democracy in Europe.

Project partners:
WIDE (Austria) – www.wide-netzwerk.at
CEIM (Spain), www.ceim.eu
Le Monde selon les femmes (Belgium), www.mondefemmes.be
GADIP (Sweden), http://globalstudies.gu.se/english/cooperation/gadip
Karat Coalition (Poland), www.karat.org

WIDE+ (Europe): https://wideplus.org

Time frame:
1.12.2016 – 30.11.2018


  • In the course of the project, we will hold four transnational partnership meetings to exchange with and learn from local organizations, working either with refugees/migrant women and/or on gender equality.
    1st  meeting in February 2017 (Madrid, Spain):Kick off-meeting and exchange with women´s rights networks, and discussion on the topic: „Redefining violences against women in a context of securization and criminalization of NGOs and women´s rights defenders“
    2nd meeting in October 2017 (Vienna, Austria): Presentation of country-specific input from the partners on gender, migration, and democracy; exchange with women migrants organizations on the topic „Open societies within a fortress? Gender, migration and security discourses in Europe“; see also „Panel Discussion: Gender, Migration and Security
    3rd meeting & conference in March 2018 (Brussels, Belgium) around the International Women´s Day, on gender, migration and security discourses in Europe; see WIDE+ Conference 2018: Democracy and equality beyond borders
    4th meeting in June 2018 (Gothenburg, Sweden): Exchange on practices, knowledge and experiences on gender and refugee issues in the framework of adult education, presentation of educational material, and exchange on „Refugee women in the context of current refugee policy“
  • Each partner organisation will carry out workshops within the thematic frame of the project, in order to disseminate and make use of the acquired critical knowledge.
  • Publication „The Europe we want? Feminist approaches to gender, migration and democracy”, structured around the topics of the four transnational partnership meetings. Link to the publication

If you are interested to get in touch with us, please contact:
WIDE (Austria), office@wide-netzwerk.at

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