How to transform EU trade policy to protect women’s rights

Veröffentlicht am: 30. Juni 2017|Publikation, Stellungnahme|Themen: , |

WIDE+ Gender and Trade 2017 Position Paper

(30.6.2017) This paper critically examines contemporary European Union (EU) trade policy from a feminist perspective.

It argues that current EU external trade policy is fundamentally harmful to the human rights of women, men and children and to the preservation of our planet.

Its neoliberal core makes livelihoods more precarious, enhances inequalities, fosters financialisation of the economy, reduces access to medicines, undermines food sovereignty, and threatens environmental sustainability.

The paper aims to start uncovering how EU trade policy hinders the protection and promotion of women’s human rights. After a brief analysis of the interrelationships between international trade and women as producers, labourers, consumers, citizens and as environmental managers, the paper makes the following recommendations.

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