Ressourcen und Instrumente – „PSEA – CBCM“

Veröffentlicht am: 20. März 2019|Materialien & Handouts, Publikation|

zum Thema Schutz vor sexueller Ausbeutung und Missbrauch sowie Etablierung von lokalen Feedback- und Beschwerdemechanismen

Resources and tools for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (P/SEA) and for the Establishment of Community Based Feedback and Complaint Mechanisms (CBCM)

In July 2019 the OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) agreed on a comprehensive set of recommendations aimed at preventing sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment in the aid sector. Five key activities areas (Key Pillars) for the stakeholders of development cooperation and humanitarian aid have been defined. The document serves as an overall orientation:
OECD DAC PSEA Recommendations

1) AAP and PSEA linkages.pdf
One page “visual” showing how AAP (Accountability to Affected Populations) processes and PSEA (Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse) processes work together.

2) CHS Alliance_PSEA Implementation Handbook.pdf
The Handbook shows how Minimum operating standards for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse can be put in practice, with case studies and examples from NGOs.

3) CHS Alliance Investigation Guidelines.pdf
A guide for humanitarian organisations on receiving and investigating allegations of abuse, exploitation, fraud or corruption by their own staff

4) Code of Conduct leaflet for staff_Save the Children
Simple two page leaflet for staff – easy to print and fix on office walls

5) Community Complaint Fact Sheet_World Vision.pdf
One page to inform and educate staff on why and how to manage complaints

6) Engaging with beneficiaries.pdf
This is a very short guidance from CHS on how to engage with beneficiaries to design a context-specific Complaint Response Mechanism

7) Examples of complaints reporting_DCA.pdf
This is a report of an external audit against Core Humanitarian Standards on DanChurchAid (DCA) programming.

8) Global SOP.pdf
Global Standard Operating Procedures – “guidance for the field” on how to participate in joint complaint and feedback mechanisms while adhering to their institutional policies on SEA; reporting and case handling, including guiding principles and agreed complaint mechanism procedures.

9) Handling community feedback & complaints_CAFOD.pdf
A short (7 pages) step by step guide with some sample forms.

10) How to Use Victims Trust Fund.pdf
A short guide looking at purpose, administration and procedures of the UN Victims Trust Fund. It is available for programs demonstrating support for survivors of SEA.

11) IASC – 8 Action Each Agency Should Take on PSEA.pdf
A list of 8 actions each agency should take in regards to Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse on country level.

12) IASC Best Practice Guide on Inter-Agency CBCMs.pdf
Core areas covered by the guide are: ensuring support and engagement of core stakeholders, establishing inter-agency community based feedback and complaint mechanisms, PSEA awareness raising, survivor assistance, monitoring and evaluation. Great information that does not need to be read all at once – you can choose sections, very informative.

13) IASC Guidelines on GBV Interventions.pdf (2005)
Focusing on Prevention of and Response to Sexual Violence in Emergencies

14) IASC TF Report on Challenges in Re-recruitment (2013).pdf
Includes helpful recommendation for the NGO community on avoiding hiring individuals who have previously committed misconduct.

15) Menu of AAP Questions for Needs Assessment.pdf
Menu of Accountability to Affected Populations related questions for multi-sector needs assessment from IASC.

16) Model of SEA Referral Pathway Flowchart.pdf
One page visual on how complaints can be referred in an inter-agency CBCM

17) NGO checklist for developing or revising code of conduct.pdf
A helpful two page checklist developed by CHS Alliance to develop or revise your organisation’s code of conduct.

18) Thai-Burma PSEA Mainstreaming Checklist.pdf
Example Checklist for Organisation’s Administration, Management and “Sector-Programs” to mitigate risk of SEA

19) UN Protocol on SEA Allegation involving Implementing Patners.pdf
Instruction for UN agencies on how to work with their implementing partners to prevent and respond to SEA by IPs.


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