For a gender-responsive EU budget

Veröffentlicht am: 15. März 2018|Publikation, Stellungnahme|Themen: , |

(15.3.2018) In a briefing paper, the case is made for a gender-responsive EU planning and budgeting in the context of the preparation of the next EU Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF).

With the help of gender indicators and gender impact assessments, the EU could carry out a gender-responsive analysis of the current MFF and adjust expenditures in the next MFF (post 2020). Together with increased and targeted funds to improve the lives of women and girls, a better-structured EU budget could help to address gender equality.

Paper: For a gender-responsive EU budget, March 2018 (pdf)

The briefing paper was produced by PLAN International, WIDE+, IPPF, Save the Children, DSW, CARE, the European Women´s Lobby and World Vision.

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