Workshop in Paris: Gender and Climate Justice
in cooperation with Adéquations (France):
Gender and Climate Justice: Critical issues and awareness raising tools
Wednesday May 22, 2024, 2 to 6 pm
Place: Cité Audacieuse, 9 rue de Vaugirard, 75006 Paris
Interpretation: French and English
Read the workshop report (pdf)!
Invitation en français : Genre et Justice climatique : enjeux et outils pour agir
In this workshop we will present the issues and a briefing paper produced within the project “Gender and climate justice: Knowledge for Empowerment”, coordinated by the European WIDE+ network and supported by the Erasmus+ Programme.
The workshop will encourage the exchange among different actors from various European countries with interested organisations and people based in France, with analyses, educational approaches, and advocacy on the intersections between gender, feminist approaches, the climate crisis and ecological transition.
Duration: 4 hours with a break
Session 1: Presentation of gender and climate justice issues – focus on extractivism
- Presentation of the COPGENDERED project, Emma Rainey, WIDE+ project coordinator, Belgium
- Gender, energy & intersectionality, Elena Georgiadi, project manager at GenderCC – Women for Climate Justice, Germany
- Lithium extractivism in the Global South as a basis for the Green Transition in Europe?, Patricia Muñoz Cabrera, WIDE+, researcher, gender equality in sustainable trade and development
- Gold mining, climate change and conflict in Sudan, Sara Mohamed, environmental expert, WIDE Austria / Sudan)
- Gender and climate justice geopolitics, Yveline Nicolas, Adéquations coordinator
Session 2: Approaches of various actors to promote the nexus gender and climate (tools, campaigns, projects)
- Gender inequality, climate crisis and ecological transition, Report and Recommendations of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), Aminata Niakaté, co-rapporteure
- Presentation of the Feminists for Climate-Environment Alternatives Programme (CCFD Terre Solidaire, Adéquations, WoMin, ACORD Rwanda, ACORD Burundi, Rural Women Assembly)
- A campaign on Fast Fashion, Action Aid France, Salma Lamqaddam Women’s Rights Campaigner
- The national federation of associations for the protection of the environment commits itself to gender issues, Antoine Gatet, France Nature Environnement
Programme as a pdf (in English):
Programme in French: