WIDE+ 2015 Report: Women’s rights need a transformation of the global development paradigm

Veröffentlicht am: 30. September 2015|Broschüren & Print, Publikation|Themen: , |

(29.09.2015) The United Nations have adopted this weekend the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that set the global development agenda for the coming 15 years. The agenda is presented in conjunction with a “Global Leaders’ Meeting on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: A Commitment to Action” that took place on Sunday, which aims to commit governments to accelerate implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA) that member states adopted 20 years ago.


WIDE+, a European feminist network of gender specialists, women’s rights advocates and activists, women’s rights organizations and development NGOs, calls on governments to adopt policies that will transform the current economic system. Only a new global development paradigm will ensure that women’s rights are protected. The newly adopted SDGs agenda does not redress systemic issues and does not do enough to combat the global backlash against women’s human rights.

In light of the SDGs and the renewed commitment of governments to the BPfA, WIDE+ publishes today its proposals to revitalize an encompassing women’s rights agenda. The report is the result of the meetings WIDE+ organized in Barcelona, Spain, on 17 and 18 June this year, financed through the Spanish and Catalan Development Agency (Plataforma 2015 y más and ACCD). The reports, available in English, Spanish and Catalan, can be accessed here:


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