Online Talk: Feminist & youth perspectives on the Climate Conference 2023
with Mana Omar (Kenya), Jasmin Lang and Martin Krenn (Austria)
Tuesday, 16th of January 2024, 5.00 pm (CET)
Feminist South Perspectives on the Climate Crisis – Online talk series by Südwind & WIDE
Follow up video (ca. 11 min):
Whose priorities and interests were considered at the UN Climate Change Conference COP28 that took place in December 2023 in Dubai, with the head of the United Arab Emirates‘ state oil company presiding the climate summit? How could feminist and youth climate activists make themselves heard?
In this online talk, Mana Omar, an environmental expert and feminist climate activist from Kenya, Jasmin Lang, a human rights and climate activist and Austrian youth delegate to the COP28, and Martin Krenn, climate finance expert at KOO (Co-ordination Office of the Austrian Bishops‘ Conference for International Development and Mission), will share their experiences and draw attention to the actions needed.
Based on her work in Kenya, Mana Omar will also speak about climate crisis in the region and her efforts of building resilience among pastoralist communities (Somali, Maasai) and promoting additional income sources for women.
Moderated by Claudia Thallmayer, WIDE
Language: English
Invitation as a pdf
Register: via zoom
Mana Omar is the executive director of “Spring of the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands” (SASAL), an NGO working with pastoral communities to build climate resilience. She is a trained climate scientist with a degree in Meteorology and a Master´s in Environmental Governance. Mana is a member of YOUNGO, the Official Children and Youth Constituency of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Fridays for Future Africa, as well as a youth leader with the UN women Feminist Action for Climate Justice Action Coalition.
Jasmin Lang, 26, has been politically active for more than ten years. She combines her commitment for Human Rights with the engagement for climate justice in the Fridays for Future movement. She was one of the Austrian youth delegates to the UN Climate Change Conference COP28, with support of the Austrian Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK) and CliMates Austria.
Martin Krenn is a climate policy expert at the Co-ordination Office of the Austrian Bishops‘ Conference for International Development and Mission (KOO). He studied political science and social management and mainly works on climate and development financing. Martin is also the spokesperson for the Austrian Alliance for Climate Justice – a platform of 26 Austrian environmental, development and social organisations – and regularly participates in UN climate conferences as a civil society observer in the Austrian delegation.
Organised by
Südwind, a human rights organization based in Vienna, Austria, focusing its work on the rights of workers along supply chains, on the rights of migrants as well as on climate justice.
WIDE, Austrian network for women´s rights and feminist perspectives. WIDE Austria is part of the European WIDE+ network.
More information:
Photo: © SASAL
Invitation as a pdf