GRUNDTVIG lifelong learning programme
Midterm-Report „Economic Literacy across Europe: Exchange and Cooperation to promote feminist Approach in Adult Education“ –
A project in the framework of Grundtvig
The Partnership undertook activities as follows:
1st meeting in Vienna, 11-12th of November 2013
* Preparation for the 1st meeting to be held on 11th/12th November 2013 in Vienna;
* Carry out the 1st meeting in Vienna with participation of representatives of CEIM/Spain, KULU/Denmark, Le Monde selon les Femmes/Belgium, WIDE Switzerland and the host WIDE Austria.
> The meeting was devoted to learn mutually about the:
* expertise in the field of adult education and economic literacy;
* methodology, tools and thematic priorities of each partner;
* experience in performing adult education in general and through specific examples.
> External input of experts was given on: *Women’s economic, social and cultural rights in trade and development policies: a critical overview; *Economic literacy in a post-transition context in Europe (in and beyond the EU); *Eigen Kracht: A Project on Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Netherlands; *Why economic literacy from a gender perspective in Central Eastern Europa and Central Asia? *Human Rights in Democracy Centre.
> A steering group, consisting of representatives of each partner organisation was set up. The task is to provide continuous communication and to monitor the project process.
> The meeting was complemented by a guided visit to the Library C3 – Centre for International Development, and a panel discussion on ‚The marginal among the invisible: women in the informal economy‘ with Patricia Estrada Rivera (Nicaragua).
In between the two meetings economic literacy tools have been collected by each partner to be presented in the 2nd meeting and partners have started to build capacity on methods, tools and thematic issues.
2nd meeting in Copenhagen, 8-9th of May 2014
* Carry out the 2nd meeting with participation of representatives of all partners on 8th/9th May 2014 in Copenhagen – hosted by KULU.
> The meeting was devoted to
1. get an insight into some of the areas of economic literacy on which WIDE+ member organisations and their stakeholders have been and are currently working, with focus on the tools used in each specific project. The specific economic literacy theme for this meeting was ‘global migration, impacts and consequences on women’, which is being considered as a theme to be used in the economic literacy material which will result from the GLLP (Grundtvig Lifelong Learning Program-me) partnership.
2. discuss ways to select the tools and methods to use in this project.
> Cafe debate meeting “The European Economic Crisis, Trade, Investment & Impacts on Women – Alternative Strategies & Mobilization”, 8 May, 19:00 – 20:30, had two WIDE+ speakers followed by questions and discussion:
1. Edmé Domínguez, GADIP: The European Economic Crisis and Consequences for Women – Alternative Strategies and Mobilization w/ Sweden, Associate Professor, School of Global Studies at University of Gothenburg
2. Christa Wichterich, Germany, on The Globalized Woman in EU-US Trade & Investment (TTIP campaign)
The presentations and discussion were relevant for the Grundtvig LLP.
National activities (Austria):
* Coordination of the whole programme / international coordination:
> Preparation of the kick-off meeting in Vienna
> Call for a skype-conference with all partners in preparation of the first meeting,
> Presentation of a finance-plan of WIDE Austria and making it available for all partners
> taking the minutes of the first meeting and sending them to all partners
> Preparation and facilitation of the Steering-Group-meetings in Vienna and Copenhagen as well as via Skype
> Sending out all relevant information concerning the Grundtvig-programme to all partners (content, deadlines, etc.)
> Writing the midterm-report
* Invitation of WIDE members to the Vienna meeting „Economic Literacy across Europe“, with announcement at our website, (9.10.2013)
* Publishing an article in the magazine “Frauensolidarität” 4/2013: “Solas invisibles – Unidas invencibles”
* Reporting back to the WIDE members at the WIDE network meetings in Vienna (on 19th November 2013, 28th January 2014 and 22nd May 2014).
* Collection of best practice-examples and translation of two tools into English: “We position ourselves in Economy” and “Time pie chart”, to be presented at the 2nd meeting in Copenhagen (attached)
* Drafting a position-paper on TTIP – Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement in German and English (attached), to be shared with all Grundtvig-partners in Copenhagen. The German version was sent to all Austrian candidates of the EU-parliament-election.
* Preparation of the 2nd meeting with the five participants from Austria at the Copenhagen meeting and distribution of tasks (on 24th and 30th April 2014) in Vienna.