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The impact of COVID-19 on women and girls in the Global South and its policy implications

An online event by Global Responsibility, the Austrian Platform for development and humanitarian aid, with support by the Austrian Red Cross, CARE, Light for the World, and WIDE

Opening remarks: Annelies Vilim, Director, Global Responsibility
Keynote speech: Âurea Mouzinho, Co-founder and co-coordinator, Ondjango Feminista, Angola

First panel discussion – Perspectives from the Global South:
Ina Girard, project manager, Austrian Red Cross, Georgia
Jenipher Taaka, expert on gender and gender based violence, Uganda
Clarisse Konombo, project manager, Caritas (OCADES), Burkina Faso

Second panel discussion – Policy options: Representatives of Austrian development cooperation and academia

Information on the speakers: https://www.globaleverantwortung.at/download/?id=3180

More information on the event: https://www.globaleverantwortung.at/event-women-speak-up


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