Workshop in Paris: Gender and Climate Justice

Workshop "Gender and Climate Justice: Critical issues and  awareness raising tools", 22.5.2024, afternoon, at Cité Audacieuse, Paris. With a presentation of gender and climate justice issues – focus on extractivism, and an exchange among various actors how to promote the nexus gender and climate (tools, campaigns, projects). Organizers: WIDE Austria and Adéquations, COPGENDERED project, supported by the EU Erasmus+ programme.

Online Talk: Feminist & youth perspectives on the Climate Conference 2023

with Mana Omar (Kenya), Jasmin Lang and Martin Krenn (Austria)

Tuesday, 16th of January 2024, 5.00 pm (CET)

Feminist South Perspectives on the Climate Crisis – Online talk series by Südwind & WIDE


Follow up video (ca. 11 min):


Whose priorities and interests were considered at the UN Climate Change Conference COP28 that took place in December 2023 in Dubai, with the head of the United Arab Emirates‘ state oil company presiding the climate summit? How could feminist and youth climate activists make themselves heard?


In this online talk, Mana Omar, an environmental expert and feminist climate activist from Kenya, Jasmin […]

Webinar: Indigenous struggle against the white gold rush in the Andes

The threat of Europe’s energy transition to the ecosystems and livelihoods of indigenous people and the fight for their rights


Thursday, 27th of July, 2023
17.00 – 19.00
CEST (Central Europe) / 11.00 – 13.00 UTC-4 (Chile)

Online by zoom: registration link

Languages: English and Spanish (with interpretation English – Spanish)

Invitación en Español – pdf

Invitation in German – pdf



The salt flats of Chile, Argentina, Bolivia (“the white triangle”) hold more than 75% of the world’s lithium deposits.

To combat the climate crisis, most countries have committed to […]

18. Juli 2023||Themen: , |

Women´s Revolution in Iran: Women Life Freedom

Conference organized by Ourania Roditi with the support of Homa Bazafkan and WIDE


The aim of this hybrid conference is to provide a platform for discussion and exchange of ideas. Scholars from different disciplines, activists and intellectuals will debate their take on the current state of women’s rights in Iran, what makes this revolution different from similar unrests in the past, the role of minorities and minority women and the prospects for the future. The goal is also to more generally debate what this revolution means in terms of female empowerment at a global scale, the role of diaspora and the […]

1. Juni 2023||Themen: |
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