Online course: Gender and Climate Justice

Veröffentlicht am: 4. März 2025|Resources in English|Themen: , |

This interactive self-learning course will guide you through the complex interconnections between gender and climate justice, featuring engaging videos, inputs, and exercises.


Explore how climate issues intersect with gender, LGBTIQ+, mobility, energy, and extractivism, with examples from both the Global South and Global North!


The content is in English. We recommend to use Google Translate to access it in your preferred language.


Ready for the learning experience?

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To use the exercises, you need to register as a user.

The information itself can be accessed without registration.

The course is free of charge!

E-Learning Tool on Gender and Climate Justice

E-Learning Tool Gender and Climate Justice


Link to the platform (all courses of GenderCC):

Disclaimer: The European Union funds the COPGendered project, but the content of this e-course is the responsibility of the project partners.

More information about the COPGendered project:

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