Women’s and girls’ rights and agency in humanitarian action

Veröffentlicht am: 19. April 2019|Publikation, Stellungnahme|Themen: , |

WIDE supports the advocacy-initiative of several organizations to strengthen a more systematic approach for ensuring that humanitarian action responds to women’s and girls’ rights and needs. Drawing on emerging initiatives, best-practice, research and the perspectives of affected communities themselves, the following recommendations provide a blueprint for governments, donors, United Nations agencies, civil society organizations, and national and local actors to work in tandem to drive system-level changes and put women’s and girls’ rights and agency at the centre of every humanitarian response.

The recommendations talk to:

  • Women’s and girls‘ voices and leadership
  • Equitable access to sexual and reproductive health services
  • Prevention and response to gender-based violence
  • Prevention sexual harassment, exploitation and abuse and
  • Supporting women’s economic empowerment

Read more: Women and girls rights_in_humanitarian_action_AdvocacyBrief_2019

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