Development Effectiveness: Women´s Forum Statement
(Nairobi, 30.11. 2016) As feminist, women’s rights and gender equality advocates we reaffirm our vision as highlighted in the Key Asks of the CPDE Feminist Constituency for the Nairobi High-Level Meeting, of a world where aid is no longer necessary. Where unequal power relations and undemocratic distribution of wealth and structures of injustices all forms of violence and war are transformed to create new forms of relations based on equality, dignity, respect and human rights that enhance solidarity, equity, inclusion, non-subordination and justice for all.
Internationale Konferenz von WIDE+ und EWL
Abschlusserklärung der Konferenz (deutsche Fassung)
“Movements, Borders, Rights? Feminist Perspectives on Global Issues in Europe“
24.-25. Oktober 2016 – Brüssel / Belgien
Feminist Perspectives on Global Issues in Europe
WIDE+ Press Release
(1.11.2016) Feminism must be more political in confronting the current multiple crises. This is the key message from the international conference “Movements, Borders, Rights? Feminist Perspectives on Global Issues in Europe” which took place in Brussels 24-25 October 2017. The Conference was organized by Women In Development Europe+ (WIDE+) and the European Women’s Lobby (EWL), in cooperation with Heinrich Böll Foundation (HBF), Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (RLS) and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES).
WIDE+ and EWL International Conference
Movements, Borders, Rights? Feminist perspectives on global issues in Europe
24-25 October, 2016
in Brussels, Belgium
(4.7.2016) The world seems to be in turmoil, and Europe is deeply affected, as economic and political power is reconfiguring on a global scale. The recent Brexit is an expression of the deep divide in many countries, with right-wing populism on the rise. Years of austerity and market liberalisation politics have increased the social and economic precarity and feelings of insecurity.
WIDE+ Newsletter May 2016
- WIDE+ proposes measures to improve situation of women refugees in Europe and Turkey
- CAWN and WIDE+ call on European Parliamentarians to pressure El Salvador to end ban on Abortion
- CSW 2016 Stepped It Up for Gender Equality and a Planet 50-50 by 2030. What now? by Janice G Foerde
and more…
WIDE+ 2015 Report: Women’s rights need a transformation of the global development paradigm
(29.09.2015) The United Nations have adopted this weekend the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that set the global development agenda for the coming 15 years. The agenda is presented in conjunction with a “Global Leaders’ Meeting on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: A Commitment to Action” that took place on Sunday, which aims to commit governments to accelerate implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA) that member states adopted 20 years ago.
Critical reflections and key recommendations for the World Bank Group’s new Gender Equality strategy
(July 2015) WIDE+ has shared it critical reflections and key recommendations to enhance the new World Bank Group’s (WBG) strategy on Gender Equality with the WBG
Feminist Economists: Resolution on Greece
(July 2015) 250 feminist economists and campaigners from across the world have signed a statement challenging the treatment of Greece by the EU Leaders and its implications for democracy and women’s economic independence.
The role of feminist networks and organisations: Which ways forward?
(18.06.2015) The role of feminist networks and organisations: Which ways forward? Establishing priorities, agreeing on strategies, advancing action proposals for the post-2015 era. Ein Input von Gertrude Eigelsreiter-Jashari bei der Konferenz von WIDE+ in Barcelona.
WIDE+Konferenz in Barcelona
Ein Kurzbericht über die Konferenz “Women´s Human Rights and Gender Justice in the post-2015 era: the role of WIDE+ and feminist organisations” von Julia Günther.
Grundtvig: last partner-meeting Malaga
29th-30th of April
Main topics: exploring new economic-literacy-tools for advocacy and evaluation of the project.
Open meeting on Violence against women in the neoliberal order: Changing narratives and realities on Sexual Exploitation (Prostitution and Trafficking) in Europe.
Women´s Human Rights and Gender Justice in the post-2015 era: the role of WIDE+ and feminist organizations
Public Panel Discussion and WIDE+Meeting, 17th-18th of June 2015
NEWS: GRUNDTVIG-activities
The partners (WIDE Spain, WIDE Switzerland, KULU Denmark, Le Monde selon les femmes Belgium, WIDE Austria) are working on the publication of tools.
GRUNDTVIG lifelong learning programme
Midterm-Report „Economic Literacy across Europe: Exchange and Cooperation to promote feminist Approach in Adult Education“ –
A project in the framework of Grundtvig
Feministische Blicke auf den Umgang mit Krisen in Ökologie und Care Ökonomie
WIDE-Switzerland: Konferenz am 31.Oktober 2014 in Bern, Schweiz