Online course: Gender and Climate Justice
This interactive self-learning course will guide you through the complex interconnections between gender and climate justice, featuring engaging videos, inputs, and exercises.
Explore how climate issues intersect with gender, LGBTIQ+, mobility, energy, and extractivism, with examples from both the Global South and Global North!
The content is in English. We recommend to use Google Translate to access it in your preferred language.
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To use the exercises, you need to register as a user.
The information itself can be accessed […]
Gender- und Klimagerechtigkeit: WIDE+ Briefing Papers
WIDE+ hat im Mai 2024 eine Serie von „Briefing Papers“ zu genderspezifischen Aspekten der Klimakrise herausgebracht. Darin werden klimapolitische Themen aus einer Perspektive der globalen Geschlechtergerechtigkeit betrachtet und Handlungsansätze aufgezeigt.
WIDE+ u.a. (2024): Gender- und Klimagerechtigkeit
abrufbar auf: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, […]
The ecological transition must be socially just and feminist!
Report from a workshop on gender and climate justice in Paris
in May 2024, organized by Adéquations and WIDE Austria
Download: Workshop report as a pdf
- Why should action against the climate crisis tackle extractivism and consider gender issues?
- Does the transition towards renewable energy in the Global North lead to the destruction of the livelihoods of people in the Global South?
- How do we include gender issues in an intersectional way in climate policies?
- How can environmental organizations deal with gender equality issues internally?
These (and other) critical questions were discussed during […]
WIDE-Update: Just Transition
Klimakrise und gerechter Wandel: „Leave no woman behind!“
WIDE-Update 1/2024: Just Transition – Leave no woman behind! (pdf)
Es ist nicht das erste WIDE-Update, in dem wir uns mit dem Thema „sozial- und gendergerechte Energiewende“ beschäftigen. Das ist kein Zufall, denn im WIDE-Netzwerk haben wir uns in den letzten Jahren sehr intensiv mit Fragen der Klimagerechtigkeit auseinandergesetzt.
Die ökologischen Verwerfungen, die die Klimakrise mit sich bringt, verschärfen die soziale Ungleichheit. Frauen* zählen aufgrund gender-spezifischer Diskriminierung und wegen ihren Care-Verpflichtungen rasch zu den besonders Benachteiligten.
Doch Frauen* leisten Widerstand, und es gibt immer wieder punktuelle Erfolge, wie jüngst die […]
Gender and Climate Justice – Knowledge for Empowerment – Vienna Report
Informative report of a knowledge building event held in Vienna on 2-3 June 2023 in the framework of the COPGENDERED Erasmus+ project of WIDE+ and partners. Download of the report -> ReportCOPGendered2023
The Report contains summaries of the following lectures and exercises:
- Anke Schaffartzik: „Global resource use – climate change and inequalities in the use of natural resources between the global North and South; extractivism and international trade relations; intersecting inequalities“ (Lecture)
- Patricia Muñoz Cabrera: „Climate justice – Indigenous women’s struggle against the rush for ‚white gold‘ (lithium) in the Andes“ (Lecture)
- Daniela Paredes-Grijalva: „Climate-induced forced migration“ (Group work: […]
Workshop in Paris: Gender and Climate Justice
Workshop "Gender and Climate Justice: Critical issues and awareness raising tools", 22.5.2024, afternoon, at Cité Audacieuse, Paris. With a presentation of gender and climate justice issues – focus on extractivism, and an exchange among various actors how to promote the nexus gender and climate (tools, campaigns, projects). Organizers: WIDE Austria and Adéquations, COPGENDERED project, supported by the EU Erasmus+ programme.
Feminist south perspectives on climate crisis – voices of activists
Three informative videos on how climate change affects marginalised people in the global south, the linkages and and responsibilities.
The videos are a result of a series of online talks (webinars) on „Feminist south perspectives on the climate crisis“ which have been organized by WIDE and Südwind in 2023 and beginning of 2024.
Climate Crisis: Feminist perspectives from Colombia
Gold mining in Sudan: Women, the climate crisis and extractivism
Feminist & youth perspectives on the Climate Conference 2023
Fotocredits © Greenpeace
Online Talk: Feminist & youth perspectives on the Climate Conference 2023
with Mana Omar (Kenya), Jasmin Lang and Martin Krenn (Austria)
Tuesday, 16th of January 2024, 5.00 pm (CET)
Feminist South Perspectives on the Climate Crisis – Online talk series by Südwind & WIDE
Follow up video (ca. 11 min):
Whose priorities and interests were considered at the UN Climate Change Conference COP28 that took place in December 2023 in Dubai, with the head of the United Arab Emirates‘ state oil company presiding the climate summit? How could feminist and youth climate activists make themselves heard?
In this online talk, Mana Omar, an environmental expert and feminist climate activist from Kenya, Jasmin […]
Gender and climate-induced migration
Briefing paper by Isabella Szukits
The climate crisis affects millions of people worldwide. However, not everyone feels its effects equally. The main causes of global heating are the burning of fossil fuels and our current economic system, which is based on the exploitation of nature and people. People in the Global South and young people have not contributed as much to these causes, but they have to live with and deal with the effects.
Briefing paper (pdf): Gender & climate-induced migration
While a direct link between the climate crisis and migration decisions might not always be […]
Petition: Gerechte Kompensation für Klimaschäden!
WIDE unterstützt die Südwind-Petition nach gerechter Kompensation für Klimaschäden!
Ein fairer Ausgleichsfonds für den Globalen Süden bei der 28. Weltklimakonferenz!
Verluste und Schäden durch die Klimakrise – auch genannt „Loss and Damage“ – sind bereits jetzt Realität für unzählige Menschen. Sie reichen von extremen Flutkatastrophen in Libyen, Pakistan oder Nigeria, über Küstenerosion durch den steigenden Meeresspiegel bis hin zu Dürren und Wasserknappheit in vielen afrikanischen Ländern.
Hier die Forderungen im Detail und die Petition zum Unterschreiben!
Das sind die Forderungen:
1. Der Fonds muss groß genug sein, um den Herausforderungen durch […]
Mana Omar on the climate impacts on pastoralist indigenous communities in Kenya
Feminist South perspectives on the climate crisis
Online talk with Mana Omar
Environmental expert Mana Omar will speak about the impacts of the climate crisis on pastoralist communities in Kenya (Somali, Maasai), focusing on the losses and damages they do experience and gendered aspects of the climate crisis.
She will talk about the efforts of building climate resilience among pastoralist communities and promoting additional income sources for women.
Moderated by Joachim Raich, climate justice advocate at Südwind.
Language: English
Date: Wednesday, 22. November 2023, 5.00 – 6.30 pm (CET)
Register here via zoom
Mana Omar
is the executive […]
Feminist South Perspectives on the Climate Crisis – Online Talk Series
(2.3.2024) As a follow-up, 3 short videos (10-12 min) have been produced from this online talk series:
The climate crisis is accelerating. Yet rich nations delay decisive action, while many countries in the Global South already face the harshest impacts of the climate crisis, resulting in lives and homes lost, existences and ecosystems wiped out. At the same time, climate-induced impacts like droughts and water-scarcity are often exacerbated by resource extraction, ranging from mineral (Gold, Lithium) to biomass (wood, soy, palmoil, rubber, leather) resources.
Against these adversities, many strong women fight the climate crisis on the frontlines in […]
Filipino climate activist Joanna Sustento – Daughter of the Storm
Online Talk – part of the series: Feminist South Perspectives on the Climate Crisis, organized by Südwind and WIDE
Joanna Sustento is a survivor of Super Taiphoon Haiyan (2013). She will talk about her journey into the climate movement and the current situation of the climate movement in the Philippines. She is a mobilizer and helps to make the climate movement bigger. In doing so, she is active for „Roots“, a global initiative of Greenpeace that works with people and communities who are on the frontlines of the climate crisis. Joanna more particularly believes in the power of storytelling, which is […]
Gold mining in Sudan: Women, the climate crisis & extractivism
Gold mining in Sudan: Women, the climate crisis & extractivism - Online talk 25.10.2023