Open letter on the Energy Charter Treaty
Prioritize climate protection and public policy space!
(9.12.2019) As the Energy Charter Conference takes place in Brussels this week (10./11. December 2019), more than 270 civil society groups (among them WIDE) call on decision-makers to scrap the Energy Charter Treaty as long it continues to protect fossil fuels and includes the ISDS parallel justice system for corporations.
The civil society organisations – environmental, climate, consumer, development, trade related civil society groups, as well as trade unions – express in an open letter to European ministers, the EU Commission and Parliaments that the Energy Charter Treaty is incompatible with the implementation of the […]
Trade for Her: Empowering Women?
WIDE+ open letter on the EC „Trade for Her“ Conference
(19.9.2019) WIDE+, with support of ActionAid International and further organisations, sent an open letter to EU Commissioner Malmström, concerning the conference organised by DG Trade on 30 September: ”Trade for Her: Empowering Women through International Trade”.
WIDE+ highlights that women are not a homogenous group and demands that the EU Commission needs to listen to the voice of women affected by international trade, not only to the champions and beneficiaries of the current international trade regime.
Women’s and girls’ rights and agency in humanitarian action
WIDE supports the advocacy-initiative of several organizations to strengthen a more systematic approach for ensuring that humanitarian action responds to women’s and girls’ rights and needs. Drawing on emerging initiatives, best-practice, research and the perspectives of affected communities themselves, the following recommendations provide a blueprint for governments, donors, United Nations agencies, civil society organizations, and national and local actors to work in tandem to drive system-level changes and put women’s and girls’ rights and agency at the centre of every humanitarian response.
The recommendations talk to:
- Women’s and girls‘ voices and leadership
- Equitable access to sexual and reproductive health services
- Prevention […]
“Show me the rest of the agreement!”
Global Feminist Alliance for Trade Justice launched
On 12.3.2019, as a parallel NGO event at the CSW 63 in New York, a Global Feminist Alliance for Trade Justice was launched.
Mariama Williams (Gender and Trade Coalition) moderated the presentation and discussion.
Speakers were Gita Sen (DAWN), Michelle Maziwisa (FEMNET), Ranja Sengupta (Third World Network) and Christina Palabay (APWLD).
WIDE+ is part of the Feminist Alliance of Trade Justice.
WIDE Erasmus+ project on gender, migration and democracy concluded
Reports and publications available
(31.1.2019) “The Europe we want? Feminist approaches to gender, migration, and democracy” was an Erasmus+ project that brought together five women´s rights organisations from different European countries in 2017 and 2018:
CEIM, GADIP, Karat Coalition, Le Monde selon les femmes, and WIDE
WIDE+ Briefing Paper on EU Trade Policy & Women’s Rights
(6.12.2018) Policy makers in and outside Europe have since 2017 discovered a gender divide in the trade policy and are starting to introduce specific policies to promote women’s economic empowerment. However these new policies and reflections fall short of a trade policy that effectively promotes and protects the rights of women.
This briefing paper published by WIDE+ gives an overview of the ways in which EU trade policy hinders the protection and promotion of women’s human rights, and makes several recommendations to EU policymakers to change this. The paper is available in English, French, Spanish and German.
WIDE publication: The Europe we want?
Feminist approaches to gender, migration, and democracy
The Europe we want? Feminist approaches to gender, migration, and democracy
November 2018
Edited by WIDE
(21.11.2018) This WIDE publication discusses issues around gender and migration in Europe, with a special focus on challenges in Spain, Austria, Poland, Belgium and Sweden. The publication is the result of a two years project supported through the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, and it is meant to serve as a resource for adult educators and the interested public.
Transforming lives?
CONCORD Report on the EU Gender Action Plan II
(19.9.2018) In the framework of the EU Presidency of Austria, this report was presented on 19 September by Celine Mias from CARE Interantional in an event organized by WIDE, Global Responsibility and CARE Austria in Vienna.
CONCORD & WIDE+: Women´s Rights and Trade
Joint Position Paper calls on the EU to move beyond voluntary gender articles in EU trade agreements
(4.6.2018) In this joint position paper “Women’s rights and Trade: Time for a radical shift”, CONCORD, the European Confederation for Relief and Development that represents 2.600 NGOs in Europe, and WIDE+ reflect on the recent policy developments to promote women’s rights in EU’s trade policies.
Making the case for gender equality in the new MFF
(4.5.2018) As the European Commission has released its Communication on the Multiannual Financial Framework (2021-2027), WIDE+, Care, DSW, EWL, IPPF European Network, One, Plan International, Kvinna till Kvinna, World Vision and WAGGS express their concerns that gender equality is not addressed as a key political priority.
They call on the European Parliament and the Member States, in the further elaboration of the future EU budget, to safeguard the promotion and protection of gender equality and women’s and girls’ rights.
For a gender-responsive EU budget
(15.3.2018) In a briefing paper, the case is made for a gender-responsive EU planning and budgeting in the context of the preparation of the next EU Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF).
WIDE+ Conference 2018: Democracy and equality beyond borders
Promoting and strengthening asylum seeker, refugee and migrant women´s rights
Several events focusing on different aspects and issues related to gender and migration will be held in Brussels (Belgium) on 6, 7 and 8 March 2018. These activities are organised by Le Monde selon les femmes in cooperation with WIDE+ in the framework of two projects co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and the Open Society Foundations.
GADN: Making trade work for gender equality
(July 2017) With Agenda 2030, governments have pledged to advance gender equality and empower women and girls.
At the same time, they have committed to strengthening international trade and using it as a means to finance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a way that is consistent with existing commitments, including those on women´s rights, and that respects each country´s right to implement policies for sustanaible development.
How to transform EU trade policy to protect women’s rights
WIDE+ Gender and Trade 2017 Position Paper
(30.6.2017) This paper critically examines contemporary European Union (EU) trade policy from a feminist perspective.
It argues that current EU external trade policy is fundamentally harmful to the human rights of women, men and children and to the preservation of our planet.
Its neoliberal core makes livelihoods more precarious, enhances inequalities, fosters financialisation of the economy, reduces access to medicines, undermines food sovereignty, and threatens environmental sustainability.
WIDE Erasmus+ project: The Europe we want?
Feminist approaches to gender, migration, and democracy
WIDE (Austria) project within the frame of Erasmus+ / Strategic Partnerships
In cooperation with four partner organisations from the European WIDE+ network, WIDE carries out an Erasmus+ project (2016-18) with the aim to strengthen anti-racist feminist approaches within adult education on global/development issues.